Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Evaluation of Voluntary Euthanasia Debate †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Critical Evaluation of Voluntary Euthanasia Debate. Answer: Introduction: The first point regarding the argument against euthanasia can be justified by citing the fact that there is the availability of alternative treatments like palliative care as well as hospices. In this regard, it can be stated that the terminally ill patient need not be killed for killing the symptoms. The relieving of almost all pain can be done. The second point regading the negative impact of euthanasia is that it is encouraging helpless individuals to end their lives. Euthanasia does the imposing of significant pressures on the elderly as well as individuals having disabilities. These pressures are stemming from families or societies. The third point that coud be cited against euthanasia is that it does the undermining of the encouragement for providing better care in respect of the dying individual (Nolen, 2016). The fourth point that could be cited against euthanasia is that the assumption that the patients should have a right to die will be imposing on the doctors a duty to kill, as a result, limiting the doctors autonomy. The fifth point cited against euthanasia is that a right to die in respect of certain individuals might well be becoming a duty to die by others, especially those who are having vulnerability or having dependency upon others (Campbell, 2016). The sixth point states that to allow euhanasia will be leading to the less effective care regardin the terminally ill, which will be underming the commitment of doctors as well as nurses to protect lives. The seventh point states that to allow euthanasia will be discouraging the process of searching for new cures as well as tretments in respect of the terminally ill. Reference Campbell, D. (2016). Real Control over death: A critical evaluation of the voluntary euthanasia debate management.Australian Rationalist, The,101, 31. Nolen, W. A. (2016). The history of the Dutch euthanasia debate resulting in the Euthanasia law (2002).Bipolar Disorders,18, 38.

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